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Take a Field Trip

The Holyoke Merry-Go-Round is a fun and educational field trip destination for students and teachers as well as child and adult day care groups.

School children and teachers played an important role in saving the carousel. Schedule your field trip today and learn about preservation and restoration process and how local educational facilities contributed to the carousel’s history.


$200 per hour
for groups of 100 or less*

[*For larger educational groups, affordable rates are available.]

A Merry-Go-Round staff member will provide each field trip group with a brief history of the carousel and offer both students and teachers the chance to relive childhood excitement by climbing atop their favorite horse. Merry-Go-Round is handicap accessible.

For more information or to book your field trip, fill out the form below! Party Coordinator will confirm requested date for trip booking.

Hours of Operation

Saturday and Sunday
12 P.M. – 4 P.M.

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